Accident Insurance, offered by The Hartford, can provide financial protection when you face unplanned expenses which result from an accidental injury. You have the option to buy this protection for both yourself and your eligible family members.
Plan Features:
- Benefits are payable for both on-and-off the job accidents
- Benefits are paid directly to you in a lump-sum and are not taxable (premiums are paid on an after-tax basis)
- No evidence of insurability is required (though for certain benefits pre-existing condition limitations may apply)
- Coverages end at age 80 for employee and spouse and at age 26 for dependent children
- The policy is portable at group rates if you terminate employment
Accident Monthly Contributions:
Employee Only | Employee & Spouse | Employee & Child(ren) | Employee + Family |
$8.51 | $13.43 | $14.51 | $22.74 |
Look for “My Account” / ”I am an Employee Checking on my Benefits” / “Register” or “Login”
Or call 800.523.2233